Princess Karen Cantrell, the chairman of the United Nations, Coachella Valley Chapter is doing what she does best, helping others.
At her shop Lady Golf Fashion House in Palm Desert, she’s packing up a very important donation: masks. Their destination, is JFK Memorial Hospital in Indio.
“We were blessed to receive 250 face masks from a Chinese American who is one of our honorary members, and his name is Joey Zhou,” says Cantrell as she hands off the masks to a grateful staff waiting for her outside.
“Thank you so much this means so much to us,” says Gary Honts, the CEO of JFK, adding it’s hard to put a value on such a generous gift, “you can’t go on the internet and you can’t find them anywhere so having this is just like receiving gold today it’s very, very important to our health care workers safe to keep them safe, keep our workers safe so that we can keep our communities safe.”
Cantrell says they will try to do more, “We’d like to get a wish list from you because we intend to continue to support JFK Hospital.”
“Well thank you very much that’s very kind of you,” says Honts.
And back at her now shuttered store, Cantrell is collecting food for local food banks. She says everyone is hurting during this crisis.
She’ll never forget a woman sent her way for food.
She had to leave the box of basics outside.
“She was just fell down on her knees in the parking lot and it was so traumatic, she was just crying and crying and you can’t go and hug them,” Cantrell says as she breaks down in tears recalling the story.
She says she hopes more open their hearts and give to those on the front lines and on the brink, “It means everything to them, they’re hungry, they’re scared, they need your help more than anything.”
Cantrell says she is receiving food donations, pet food, medical supplies Monday through Saturday between 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. but they must be left outside and you should call or email ahead so they are prepared to receive them. She will distribute them among local food banks and hospitals.
To donate call:
(760) 773-4949